break off

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break off

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:56:23

英 [breik ɔf]

美 [brek ɔf]

break off基本解释



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break off的反义词


1. prevent completion

e.g. stop the project
break off the negotiations

Synonym: breakdiscontinuestop

2. interrupt before its natural or planned end

e.g. We had to cut short our vacation

Synonym: cut shortbreak short

3. break a small piece off from

e.g. chip the glass
chip a tooth

Synonym: chipknapcut off

4. break off (a piece from a whole)

e.g. Her tooth chipped

Synonym: chipchip offcome offbreak away

5. break a piece from a whole

e.g. break a branch from a tree

Synonym: breaksnap off

1. 折断;(使)断开
If part of something breaks off or if you break it off, it comes off or is removed by force.

e.g. The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact...
e.g. Grace broke off a large piece of the clay...

2. 突然中止;突然停顿
If you break off when you are doing or saying something, you suddenly stop doing it or saying it.

e.g. Llewelyn broke off in mid-sentence...
e.g. The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.

3. 终止,结束(关系)
If someone breaks off a relationship, they end it.

break off的反义词

e.g. The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago...
e.g. He doesn't seem to have the courage to break it off with her.

1. 中止:话说,今天是去报名参加第二次(the second time)汽车培训的,上次的培训因为学校的开学而中止(break off),这点我很遗憾,但是一个学期以来没事就有无证驾驶经历的我,在应付倒桩这种小case的时候,甚是轻松.


2. 断绝,结束:break into 闯入 | break off 断绝,结束 | break out )逃出

3. break off的解释

3. (使)折断;中断;断绝:break into 闯进;突然...起来 | break off (使)折断;中断;断绝 | break one's word 失信,食言

4. 中断,中止:break into 强行闯进 | break off 中断,中止 | break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
So Pearl, who had enough of shadow in her own little life, chose to break off all acquaintance with this repining brook.(于是,在她小小的生命中已经有了太多的阴影的珠儿,便放弃了这条如泣如诉的小溪,不再和它交往。)
As more ice flows toward the water, the tongue grows longer. Eventually, a piece will break off, forming a large iceberg.(因为有更多的冰滑向海洋,冰川突出的部分越来越长,并最终断裂,形成巨大的冰川。)
The February 2011 earthquake provided the final pulse of energy to calve off ice than had been about to break off anyway.(2011年2月这次地震的发生,是这处于消融中的冰川最终走向崩解的一个转折。)
He said this was Ankara's final word and that unless the violence ceased, Turkey would break off all dialogue.(他说,这是安卡拉的最后立场,除非暴力停止,否则土耳其将停止一切对话。)
Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt.(冰山是冰川的一部分,从冰川断裂漂流进水中,一段时间后融化。)
Icebergs are large pieces of freshwater ice that break off snow-formed ice shelves or glaciers and float in open water.(冰山是由雪形成的冰架或冰川断裂而成,主要由淡水冰组成,一般漂浮在开阔海域。)
Why did you break off our relationship, Jason?(为什么你断了我们的关系,杰森?)
My theory is that if one is doing it, all do it until the first one has the courage to break off; it's peer pressure.(我的理论是,如果有人开始做这类节目,其他人也都会做下去,知道当中有人鼓起勇气放弃:这是同行压力。)
Pearl, who had enough shadow in her own little life, chose to break off all acquaintance with this repining brook.(在她小小的生命中已经有了太多的阴影的珠儿,便放弃了这条如泣如诉的小溪,不再和它交往。)
What if I break off this relationship and end up alone forever?(万一我割断这份关系永远孤孤单单怎么办?)
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